Roxana Briban Guestbook

Please let me know if a recital disc is published of Roxana. I am so very sad about her passing. A real talent and a terrible loss to all opera fans.

Fortunately there are some pirate recordings so her legend will live on.

Data: December 5, 2015
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I saw you in Traviata when I was an erasmus student in Bucharest 13 years ago. Though a lot of the other singers were average to say the least, you on the other hand were a shining star and I shall never forget your Addio del passato. May you rest in peace

Data: October 21, 2012
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Para mim é uma tristeza imensa saber que tão maravilhosa voz se calou. Fique em paz Roxana!

Data: September 18, 2011
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Condolences to Roxana's husband.A terrible tragedy to lose a wonderful singer.I hope you are at peace,now,Roxana.

Data: January 10, 2011
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I am so sorry to hear that Roxana has passed away. Hers was a rare talent.

Data: December 22, 2010
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I am so very sorry to hear that Roxana is no longer amongst us. I only discovered about her amazing talent 2 years ago and loved all that she had done. Is there a recital disc of this wonderful artist? If so could you let me know where I can get hold of it.

Rest in peace


Data: December 19, 2010
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Roxana, prin darul tau ai atins sufletele multor oameni, le-ai schimbat viata. Multi regreta ca nu au putut face acelasi lucru pentru tine. Vom avea grija sa nu fi uitata!

Data: November 29, 2010
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Mi-e dor de tine Roxana si de vocea ta superba pe care numai pe inregistrari o mai pot auzi. Mi-e dor de daruirea ta scenica nesfarsita cu care captivai o sala intreaga. Imi pare rau ca nu mai esti, imi pare rau ca niciodata nu voi mai pasi pe treptele operei ca sa te vad, imi pare rau ca inima nu imi va mai tresari cand se va trage cortina stiind ca tu esti undeva in culise, pregatindu-te sa intri in scena. Imi pare rau pentru cei care nu te-au auzit si pentru cei care nu te-au cunoscut (nici eu nu te-am cunoscut indeajuns si pentru asta imi pare de asemenea rau). Imi pare rau pentru rolurile pe care nu le-ai abordat, dar si mai rau pentru cele care nu le-ai abordat indeajuns. Imi pare rau de salile pe care nu ai ajuns sa canti. Ai fost si esti iubita, apreciata si vei fi tinuta minte. Odihneste-te in pace!

Data: November 28, 2010
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Private post. Click to view.

Data: November 21, 2010
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Dumnezeu sa o ierte! Pacat, mare pacat!

Data: November 21, 2010
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